Tom Daniels, of Springfield, MO, writes:
This edition of Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang by Ian
Fleming is a bit odd.
It seems to have two separate book numbers by two different publishers
listed on the book. The front cover (top right corner) states the book as
Signet #T3705. The bottom of the front cover states "StarLine Edition
Distributed by Signet".
However if you flip the book over, it plainly states at the bottom of the
back cover "StarLine Edition #TK1389" by "Scholastic Book Services".
The book number listed on the spine is #T3705 (the Signet number), with no
mention of a publisher.
The copyright page states "This StarLine Edition is published by
Scholastic Book Services..." (no mention of Signet on copyright
page), and it's stated as a 1st printing ... November 1968
So I guess this book can be listed in both the Signet and Scholastic
publisher folders on the BookScans site.
Signet number on the spine and front cover should very well be listed as a
Signet book. Right?
Scholastic (StarLine Edition) number listed on back cover and the
copyright page states the book as
a Scholastic book, so it should be listed as such. Right?
Right? Wrong? Confused? I know I am.
(Click a thumbnail to see the
full-sized pix)